在Spring boot (2.3.11) 项目中批量初始化 redis 遇到如下警告信息,大致意思就是创建了过多的 HashedWheelTimer ,由于该类需要跨JVM共享,所以建议只创建一个实例,其实这个提示个人觉得有点矛盾,因为这里有一个最大实例64的判断,也就是说可以创建多个实例,所以这个提示更多的是提示资源浪费问题,超过之后就打印该信息,但是不影响实例创建,当然处于资源浪费考虑还是少创建比较好,目前对项目没有影响
io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer | You are creating too many HashedWheelTimer instances. HashedWheelTimer is a shared resource that must be reused across the JVM,so that only a few instances are created.
查看io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer 源码找到以下代码块
// 这里是创建上限值(警告阈值)
private static final int INSTANCE_COUNT_LIMIT = 64;
public HashedWheelTimer(
ThreadFactory threadFactory,
long tickDuration, TimeUnit unit, int ticksPerWheel, boolean leakDetection,
long maxPendingTimeouts) {
ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(threadFactory, "threadFactory");
ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(unit, "unit");
ObjectUtil.checkPositive(tickDuration, "tickDuration");
ObjectUtil.checkPositive(ticksPerWheel, "ticksPerWheel");
// Normalize ticksPerWheel to power of two and initialize the wheel.
wheel = createWheel(ticksPerWheel);
mask = wheel.length - 1;
// Convert tickDuration to nanos.
long duration = unit.toNanos(tickDuration);
// Prevent overflow.
if (duration >= Long.MAX_VALUE / wheel.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"tickDuration: %d (expected: 0 < tickDuration in nanos < %d",
tickDuration, Long.MAX_VALUE / wheel.length));
if (duration < MILLISECOND_NANOS) {
logger.warn("Configured tickDuration {} smaller then {}, using 1ms.",
this.tickDuration = MILLISECOND_NANOS;
} else {
this.tickDuration = duration;
workerThread = threadFactory.newThread(worker);
leak = leakDetection || !workerThread.isDaemon() ? leakDetector.track(this) : null;
this.maxPendingTimeouts = maxPendingTimeouts;
// 这里判断创建了多少实例
WARNED_TOO_MANY_INSTANCES.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// 打印警告日志
// 这是打印警告日志的方法(实际打印的是error日志)
private static void reportTooManyInstances() {
if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
String resourceType = simpleClassName(HashedWheelTimer.class);
logger.error("You are creating too many " + resourceType + " instances. " +
resourceType + " is a shared resource that must be reused across the JVM," +
"so that only a few instances are created.");